Out in the field and make a ruckus?” *cheering* “they cut the labia-” “oh, my god!” “no regrets!” “oh, f*ck!” “just another day at the office!” *orgasmic grunting* “that’s so crazy!”.
Was rather enjoying my break from , but then i received this lovely email and i just couldn’t stay away any longer.
And I was reminded that Goop Lab was a thing. So here I am. And what better way to start off this year than by combining two of my great passions: sh*tting all over Netflix, and ridiculing pseudoscientific garbage. Netflix has a history of greenlighting some rather questionable material. But there's a difference between commissioning sh*tty teen romcoms that potentially reinforce antiquated and sexist dating standards, or making a true crime mini-series on a worthless piece of sh*t who murdered his lover because he wanted to be infamous, and thereby giving him exactly what he wanted-.
Yeah, good job, Netflix. Gold Star.
These shows are bad ideas, but they’re not necessarily harmful. The Goop Lab, is a different story. This time, Netflix have partnered with Oscar-winning actress Gwynneth Paltrow and her company Goop as she ‘investigates’ - and thereby legitimises - a series of practices that fall into the category of “Alternative medicine”, Or as I like to call it: “NOT MEDICINE !”. Because there is no such thing as “alternative medicine”. There is medicine that works, and medicine that doesn’t work. And most of the remedies and cures on display here can be only be described as quackery, delusional, or outright dangerous. So of course they put in a disclaimer, as they do on Goop’s website, so that they can’t get sued. I covered dear old Gwynny, Goop and their track record of endorsing nonsense in a article back in 2018, so go check that out for more information, but here are the cliffnotes.
Goop is a company founded by Gwynny and named after her initials, and because she thought the name was funny. They sell things at ludicrous prices, which she claims are “aspirational” because even more she’s out of touch than the average boomer. But that’s not really relevant here, because the point of this article isn’t just to make fun of dumb rich people. As satisfying as that can be. What’s more important for our purposes is Goop’s promotion of pseudoscience and snake oil in the name of “alternative” healthcare. Particular highlights include: a psychic vampires repellent, whatever the f*ck that means, a jade egg that you stick in your vagina, which considering jade is a porous material, is really not a good idea, And another crystal said to cure infertility. That one I found particularly scummy. There’s no evidence to suggest that any of this codswallop works or works better than, you know *ACTUAL* medicine, and they’ve been called out many times by medical professionals and advertising watchdogs.
And they’re even subject to a court order barring them from making any more misleading medical claims. I guess one of their ways around this was to get other people to do it for them. Yeah! This is big brain time!. And the overwhelmingly negative reception to the announcement of this Netflix series reignited some of my faith in humanity and gave me a raging justice boner. Not only does Goop peddle this oceanload of excrement, but they take advantage of rich gullible idiots and desperate sick people in order to line their own pockets. “How can we, like, really milk the sh*t out of this?!”. Not that Gwynny would know much about what that’s like, because she’s about as advantaged as it’s possible to get. If being poor is like playing Life on a hard difficulty setting, she might as well be playing on the mode intended for article game journalists.
This is the same woman who undertook a food stamp challenge to prove that poor people could afford a. Goop diet and gave up after four days. So that should tell you a lot.
You have everything.
You're beautiful, you're wealthy, you're famous. Like, shut up!. It’s difficult to know exactly how much of her own brainfarts Gwynny likes to sniff, but she has admitted to steamcleaning her ladyparts, has said a bunch stupid things like: “I don’t think anything that’s natural can be bad for you”, and is selling a candle that apparently smells like her vagina. The burning question here being of course: IS THAT BEFORE OR AFTER YOU STEAM-CLEANED IT, GWYNNY?! Because either way, I can think of a shelf-load of things I’d rather have down my throat than a whiff of your minge! Although if you combine that candle with the $10,000 solid gold dildo you can purchase from Goop’s website, you could get a good sense of how a typical evening in the Gwynny household is spent.
“I wish!”. Oh, and it’s sold out, as well! That’s… uh… fucking hell! It really is like the celebrity version of gamer girl bath water. But maybe she’s onto something. So let me know in the comments down below whether you would buy this bar of soap, made out of my concentrated ball sweat. Mmmmm. Tastes like salt and privilege. “Being the person people perceive me to be is inherently traumatic. Like- “SHUT UP!”.
In each of the six episodes of the Goop Lab - which are only half an hour long but are so boring that they feel twice that length - different “alternative” therapies, including psychedelic mushrooms, energy manipulation, and psychic mediation, are tested out on various Goop employees - I guess because they couldn’t find anyone else crazy enough to subject themselves to this.
Sometimes Gwynny partakes in a toned-down version of whatever’s being “explored”, like here when she manages a few pathetic pushups, Or in something she’s already done before or isn’t out of her comfort zone. But it’s the volunteers that get the brunt of the bad stuff. “It was so freaking cold!” “You can handle it, right?!”. Significant portions of each episode are taken up with these “goopers” talking about themselves and their experiences, setting up some kind of psychological journey which often either amounts to very little or gets blown out of all proportion, and it wouldn’t be unfair to describe some of these episodes as the quintessential white people’s travel vlog.
A ‘GAP YAH!’ for the intellectually deficient. *Giggling* “I feel like such a cliche!”. Throughout the proceedings, Gwynny and her groupies display a lack of critical thinking that’s borderline disingenuous, in that it makes me think that not only are they incapable of questioning what’s put in front of them, but worse, they simply don’t care.
Noone even bothers to play Devil’s Advocate, and everything - no matter how ridiculous or ineffective - is presented more-or-less without criticism or mention of the potential dangers. Any concerns that are raised are quickly dismissed with a handwave. It's like everyone turned off their brain or sniffed too many vagina candles. The ‘tests’ themselves - if you could even call them that - are also deeply flawed in terms of methodology. The subjective experiences of the few people who partake in these tests are treated with the same validity as a scientifically sound clinical trial, and anecdotal evidence is sprinkled in via interviews which are meant to lend emotional authority to the methods in question. It’s also interesting to note that while they often *say* there are scientific studies that provide evidence to support these claims, none of these studies are ever given so much as a footnote by way of citation, which strikes me as a little bit dodgy. And in some cases, they outright refused to show evidence and results which contradicted their claims or made them look bad, thinking noone would notice. But I f*cking noticed! This is gonna be hard-going, so as we take a look through the series, I’m gonna play a little game and a shot every time they say something stupid.
I’m sure this’ll go well. “You can cry, you can scream, you can, like, pound the ground. The only thing we don't do is get sexual with each other. And we don't take our clothes off.. Geralt: “Ah, fuck!”.
Where the goopers try out magic mushrooms as part of psychedelic psychotherapy.
Their past experiences and struggles with mental health issues, which is meant to make us sympathetic to them and put the effects of the psychedelics into some context, but i feel this was also a way to increase the runtime and distract from how batsh*t this all is.
“That is our illness, is that we do not have any connection with anything other than ourselves and the material world.
Here we go, boys! Now, there is some legitimacy to the claim that psychedelics can be used for medical purposes, such as in the treatment of depression. But they go about exploring this issue like total idiots, by travelling to a country in which - by their own admission - the use of magic mushrooms isn’t regulated, drinking some of them in a tea, and seeing what happens. “You know what’s on the other side is just total freedom.”. Aw shit, here we go again! And there’s no way you’ll convince me that this wasn’t an excuse to trip balls and claim it as a tax write-off. “I'd say almost everyone at Goop wanted to go to Jamaica!”. I wonder why…. The message of the episode is that too often there’s a lack of communication about our problems and lack of connection to the people around us. And the use of psychedelics is presented as the opposite of a social norm that tells us to repress our bad experiences and pretend that everything’s okay.
Suppression and distraction and avoidance, and 'I'm a tough guy!' are all the norms of our society today. And psychedelics are the opposite These medicines are medicines of connection.. But just because something is the opposite doesn’t mean that it’s the cure. There needs to be a hell of a lot more testing before we can come to any useful conclusions. And you’ll forgive me if I don’t trust these people to be objective. “This is a sacrament. So that we can be with the spirit of the mushroom.”. I’m gonna die, aren’t I?! What we do in the context of research is completely different from what happens on the streets.
“At no point are we advocating that people start taking or anything else.. So don’t do it except in the context of a clinical trial? Okay, that’s fine. But why did they send their employees off to do exactly the opposite?! Do you not think this is a bit of a contradictory message?! Because this is not a clinical trial. This is a bunch of goddamn hippies, drinking one dose of mushroom tea and getting off their faces! “Because what we observed in Jamaica through our experience-”. So you sent them off to do that BEFORE you talked to the supposed experts about it?! Are you for real?! They really don’t care at all, do they? FAR OUT, MAN! You're f*cked, basically! “You can go into the cold water and adapt. And with that, you become the alchemist of life itself.”. Episode 2 features Wim Hof, an absolute nutcase whose body has become adapted to extremely cold temperatures, and in fact holds a few world records in that regard. And I show through evidence-based studies that our atomic nervous system can be influenced just by the mind..
And he argues that by using special breathing techniques, meditation and psychology, others can do the same, in what essentially amounts to “mind over matter”. “Using three pillars: breathing techniques, gradual cold exposure, and mindset. Or, The Wim Hof Method.”. And let’s not let the fact that a study of him and his inactive twin-brother who doesn’t use these techniques suggested that genetics and brown fat levels accounted for their tolerance of extreme cold spoil the fun! Because among other spurious proclamations, he claims that his techniques can cure cancer.
I don’t think I really need to bother addressing that one, do I? They present one small study that showed that the Wim Hof breathing technique could allow its users to suppress their body’s immune system and avoid symptoms of infection. And again, there is evidence to suggest that meditation and breathing techniques can be good for well-being, especially for those suffering from anxiety or depression, and that showering or immersing in cold water can have a range of health benefits. It's something I do before I have a test at school or before I run. I'll do a couple rounds of Win Hof and take a cold shower.
And I go to school just feeling really ready..
And make you feel more alert?! stay in school, kids.
But they also conveniently forget to mention that several people are reported to have died while using Hof’s techniques. Which may have made these poor bastards a bit more reluctant to partake. But again, they go about “testing” this method like complete dumbasses. They meditate for a bit, f*ck around in the snow, and then jump into a freezing cold lake. So much for *gradual* cold immersion. That was like next level sh*t!.
None of them died, fortunately, although that would have made for a very worthy entry into the Darwin awards. I wanna start doing that! I love taking cold showers sometimes. *Gwynny screams* “Okay. Are you ready to talk about vaginas?”. Gwynny: It's our favourite subject! Who? “Vaginas!”. Heh. Me too. The third episode is all about the vaginas.
Or, maybe not. “The vagina is the birth canal, only! The vagina is *only* the birth canal? Oh! See, I'm getting an anatomy lesson that I didn't- I thought the vagina was the whole- No, no, no!. I was a virgin until a few weeks ago and even I know the difference. Granted, not everybody does. But when Gwynny says it’s her favourite subject and has made various pronouncements involving her vagina, it’s just another indication that she doesn’t really know what she’s talking about. “We’re very dangerous when we’re knowledgable.” “Tell me about it.” “SHUT UP!”. But this one’s about helping women feel more comfortable with their bodies and thereby achieve sexual satisfaction and orgasm. So what happens in a workshop? Everyone gets off!.
Overall, it’s the most wholesome and informative episode, in that an uninformed viewer will probably get the most out of it. It’s a good message and there’s nothing here that’s harmful. It’s definitely the highlight of the series, a comparatively pleasant island in the middle of an ocean of bullsh*t. It’s also the one you’ll get the most wank material out of, if that’s what you’re here for. If every episode was like this, I’d have given the show a pass. But they’re not. “I dunno, something happens when you turn 40, you just sort of don't really give a f*ck.”. That would explain a few things.
The fourth episode deals with ageing, with Gwynny taking a more active part, as they test out three different diets designed to lower their body’s biological age, as opposed to their chronological age. One of them goes vegan and another goes pescatarian for three weeks, while Gwynny herself tries out a five-day fast-mimicking diet, which comes out of packets from a box that costs $249?! JUST TO FEEL LIKE YOU’RE FASTING! WHAT THE FUCK?! That’s it. Right there! That’s GOOP in a nutshell! And they vlog their struggles as they winge about their diets and spent ridiculous amounts on salmon.
I expected nothing less.
Although looking at this sh*t, I can’t blame her too much. I hope it was worth every cent. To pad out the runtime, the women also try out various methods of keeping their faces looking youthful.
Including facial acupuncture, which is *SAID* to work, because that’s how low their standards have gotten. And a “vampire facial” which involves drawing plasma from Gwynny’s body and applying it to her face. I guess Elizabeth Bathory was ahead of her time. “I do like that it’s my own material. It's not a toxin. You know, people shoot a lot of weird shit into their face!. Her lack of self-awareness really knows no bounds. At the very end, it’s revealed that the women managed to lower their “biological ages” by 2.8 years between them.
Bit of an anti-climax, really. This was definitely the most boring episode. And it’s not a coincidence that it had the most involvement from Gwynny. “Oh, I’m back to my french fries!”. Yeah, until next week when you’re on some other overpriced slop. AAAAH sound! *Shuddering* “What the f*ck are you doing to people?”. After the borefest that was the fad diet episode, the fifth episode cranks the BS dial all the way up to eleven, with a focus on ‘energy healing’. In which ‘body workers’ claim to be able to influence the movement of ‘energy’ throughout the body, or some other sh*t.
So I'm not treating a particular condition when I'm working with people, but I have a hypothesis: If you just change the frequency of vibration of the body itself, it changes the way the cells regrow, it changes how the sensory system processes-. Alright! Here we go! The body doesn't end right here at the skin, the body is multi-dimensional. There are layers to it and I'm interacting with those layers.. What a load of utter bollocks. So when I'm moving my hands in the air and I'm snapping my fingers and I'm making sounds with my hands, I'm putting energy in the field around somebody's body and I'm changing their energy system just by the way I interact with it.. It’s a bunch of crackpot gibberish that, like a lot of other crackpot gibberish, uses a misunderstanding of quantum mechanics to try to justify itself. The way we interact with someone without even touching them at the subatomic level changes them in some way, shape or form. “There’s been some amazing research done in the realm of quantum physics to support this-”.
No, there hasn’t. One foundational study is called the Double Slit Experiment proved empirically without a shadow of a doubt that our consciousness actually shifts or alters in some way, shape or form, physical reality. *Sigh*. No, that’s not what the Double Slit experiment showed. At all. Very simply, the Double Slit experiment showed that the act of observation somehow influenced how the observed particles of light behave. More precisely though, it is the measurement of the particles that does this, not the actual perception of them.
Graduates about this, and they all confirmed that consciousness has nothing to do with the experiment or its results, and there’s nothing about them that supports the conclusion that “our consciousness can change physical reality.
If you needed any proof that he was talking out of his arse. Quantum physics cannot give you healing powers. And just look at this! You wanna tell me that this *isn't* staged? *Moans* And then he snapped his fingers and I just started wretching! “I hear this is the first time you’ve ever let anybody film your work.” Out of context, what I'm doing, it just looks wacky, you know-. Sure, yeah, that’s definitely the only reason. At least he’s somewhat self-aware. “How do you explain that?” “I don't know.” “That’s what I’m saying, you can’t measure this stuff.. Then it’s not science, is it?! It should come as absolutely no surprise to learn that there are no reliable studies that show that energy healing works any better than a placebo. And hilariously, it was scientifically debunked more than 20 years ago, by a nine year old! Emily Rosa's test was simple: she asked practitioners of Therapeutic Touch to feel the energy from her hand.
But first she had them put their hand through a towel and piece of cardboard so they couldn't see where her hand was. She didn't ask them to heal anything. She just asked the most basic question.. Rosa: Tell me which of your hands you think my hand is over. Left. Again and again, Touch Therapists failed the test. This woman guessed right only three times out of ten.. So why is this utter tripe still being peddled today?! We asked more than a dozen Therapeutic Touch specialists to come here and take your test.
And not one would. That surprise you? Nope. “But it’s totally dismissed by most conventional doctors, right? They're like f*ck fascia.” I don't think the technology's quite there to measure energy healing, but just because something isn't proven doesn't mean it doesn't work.. That’s exactly what it means in a scientific context! Or at the very least, it means you shouldn’t be recommending it to people and charging them for the privilege! *Orgasmic grunt*. But this isn’t even the worst of it! Oh yeah, they saved the best till last. “Could you, like, get any goop-ier?” I could not get any goop-ier. “Science is just a tool. It’s just one way of knowing, and intuition is a way of knowing..
NO, IT REALLY ISN’T! The last episode is the one that really made me blow a f*cking gasket. It’s about psychic mediums. Being a psychic means that I read energy, and being a medium means that I can connect with the consciousness of people who have left their physical bodies and crossed to the other side.. This is by far the worst episode, and the worst of all the steaming donkey feces being paraded in this sh*tshow. I *loathe* psychic mediums. And I have absolutely zero patience for them. I lost my boyfriend tragically. Umm..
a few years ago.
Is because he's in water.
Y-y-y-y-you can't find somebody- Well, it was September 11th. There was no way- he was a fireman, but- Well, no. See: I keep seeing him in water. Is there any way he could have drowned in water, some way? They never found a piece of him. Nothing! Man: From 9/11.
Cos he- he says he couldn't breathe and he was filled with water.. The practice has always been and will continue to be 100% bullsh*t. Anyone who claims they’re a psychic medium is either delusional, or a fraud trying to take advantage of people, especially those in mourning. And she agreed to take the case for $400. But I think it's solvable. I don't believe she's alive. I'm sorry, I believe that it was a violent passing. This little girl is me.
And you told someone that she's dead. Wait a minute “What happens when we die is- that affects every single person.” “Yeah.” And there's a lot of anecdotal evidence that mediumship readings help with grief”. Yes, because the mediums were giving grieving people a false sense of hope, and if they weren’t good at doing *that*, they wouldn’t make any money! “Feel free to let us know any messages from our deceased as we sit here.”. Psychics and mediums have been debunked time, and time, and time again, and various practitioners have been exposed as the liars and manipulative pieces of trash that they are. James Randi: The radio scanner we brought to the hall picked up a decidedly worldly source. Burning this ARTHRITIS! Right outta your BODY!. This should not be being legitimised. I can’t believe I even have to say those words.
What the fuck, Netflix?! If you hadn’t noticed, by this point, I’m all out of jokes. There’s nothing inside me but pure f*cking rage. One moment I found particularly disgusting was when a medium did a reading of a gooper whose mother had died, and she used what appear to be obvious cold-reading techniques and leading questions in order to deliver very vague messages of comfort. “I’m also hearing ‘Happy Birthday’, is there a birthday coming up in the family?” “Hers!” “Okay. Alright.”. That could have been literally anyone's birthday. And if it were specifically the mum’s birthday, why would the mum be saying “happy birthday”? But this way, the medium has an easy out if it wasn’t the mom’s birthday, you see? “If you ask for signs and messages, like really specific concrete ones from the other side, you will get them.”. NO, YOU WON’T! Because that’s exactly how this scam works.
There’s nothing specific about anything this woman is saying! Except possibly the mum having made artwork, but that could have also been a lucky guess. Also, this researcher claims to have devised a foolproof “quintuple blind” method for testing the validity of psychic mediums, but then they don’t actually demonstrate this method. Shockingly. And not only is the cherry-picking of evidence so bad here that it’s dishonest and utterly despicable, but this is also the worst example of the sheer, unmitigated stupidity and groupthink being displayed by the goop staff, and the mediums play it up perfectly. Like when they attempt to psychically beam energy to the person in the centre of a circle.
Literally- i felt like i was holding you up.
It was really weird. Levitating you.
Me too. “Cos I could feel- I felt like we were lifting her up.”. But noone actually levitated. Obviously. Although it is also the first time a gooper expresses any serious doubts about what’s happening, which by default makes her the smartest person here. “I don’t know, I feel like guilt for not feeling any of these ways I just don't feel- I don't feel like I can sympathise with anything anybody said.. This medium claims that everyone has psychic powers, and one of the ways she claims to prove it is with a test of clairvoyance. “You’re gonna try to see what is under this, without seeing it..
BUT THEN THEY DON’T SHOW ANYONE GETTING IT RIGHT! ARE YOU F*CKING SERIOUS?! DO THEY REALLY EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THIS?! Then they do a test of “clairsentience” where they try to “feel” objects. And the skeptic girl gets something wrong because “she’s too stuck in her frontal lobe” to have this superpower, and not of course because this test is nonsense. They show one example of a true believer getting some information correct, but it’s still vague, could have been reasonably inferred from the object, and she looks like she’s just making it up as she goes along. It felt very like kinda like: 'what?!' I dunno, like very- I dunno, left field? Ummm . The best part though, is when the skeptic gets read by the medium. Are there twins in the family? Or like a Gemini, like, birthday, what is that, June? No Like- I feel like I want to talk about twins. Hmmm, I'm trying to think, no Okay, I'm gonna tell them to come back to me with that in another way later. Then she switches - to a woman on her mother’s side.
Is there an aunt there that's crossed- or a great aunt for you? It's like one over. And I feel like it's your grandmother's sister. Like, that's how I wanna say it. “My grandmother didn’t have a sister.”. Third time lucky, she switches to the father’s side. Is there like a funny story or a picture about a donkey or is there something with Shrek?. Now she’s just making stuff up. I'm gonna tell them to come back to me with that in another way later..
You see, as soon as she was confronted with someone who didn’t automatically validate her nonsense, it falls apart. “Hey Laura? This is really strange, I think you’re actually reading Lindsay right now.” That can happen!. WHAT?! ARE YOU SH*TTING ME?! This world class psychic was reading the wrong woman?! And they let her get away with this bullsh*t!? No, I’m not buying this! Not for a second! And neither should you. Do they go back and try reading the skeptical woman again?! No, of course not, BECAUSE THAT’LL MAKE THEM LOOK STUPID! *CJ screams*. That’s it, I can’t do this anymore! F*CK GOOP LAB! Look, I’m not saying that none of these techniques have worked for at least some people, because it seems like in some cases they have. But the methods are far from proven and far more study and testing needs to be done. And it’s very likely that their supposed-effectiveness is dependent on the participant’s psychological buy-in.
Or voodoo directly *do* anything physically to anyone.
Them, they sometimes can have an effect.
The Placebo Effect it's called. If you think a therapy will work, that alone may make you feel better.. You cannot take a few people’s subjective experiences in an uncontrolled environment as any kind of reliable indicator of their effectiveness, especially when there’s quite clearly some confirmation bias involved and the subjects are employees of a company with a vested interest in this crap. Nor can you rely on anecdotal evidence to support your claims. And calling them 'case studies’ doesn’t make them any more scientifically valid. And most importantly, you cannot evaluate these methods by only presenting a one-sided account, and then dismissing or refusing to acknowledge evidence that contradicts these claims, or even proves them harmful. “But what we try to do at Goop is to be open-minded and explore ideas that may seem 'out there', so that people can have access to the information and make up their own minds..
You can’t claim to be “letting people make up their own minds” when you give an uncritical presentation of your subject, refuse to show the other side’s point of view, and engage in such blatant cherry picking and confirmation bias. You can be open-minded without letting your brain fall out or actively deceiving your audience through omission! And you can do it without giving a pass to every deluded mystic or charismatic charlatan who wants to mislead or manipulate people! “Ideas are laughed at before they're accepted, right? 'The world's flat, not round!' So there's always this moment of society being resistant to understanding it..
Just because something is frowned upon by the establishment does not mean it’s good. Why don’t you start shooting up heroin then, you f*cking dingus! I worry that some people are going to come away from this show with some very bad ideas, especially since Goop’s slick editing and glossy presentation help give it the illusion of authority and aspiration, and the show’s appeals to emotion and the almost sickly levels of positivity on display are sure to sway some of the more impressionable members of the audience.
By doing this, both Goop and Netflix are helping to make the world a worse place, and they can both go suck on my pube soap. But if you want to do something to counteract this bullsh*t and help make the world a slightly better place, consider using this article’s sponsor, Tab For A Cause. Tab For A Cause is a browser extension that allows you to raise money for charity simply by opening new tabs. You simply add it to your browser, sign in using an account, and you’re good to go.
It’s as quick and easy as that. Every time you open a new tab, it’ll display a few ads, and over time, this’ll add up. So far, Tab For A Cause has raised over $850,000 for various charities. As you open tabs, you’ll collect hearts, which you can spend in order to vote for the charities you’d like to see receive donations. And if you sign up using my affiliate link in the description down below, you’ll be helping to support my channel, as I’ll be receiving some revenue for each new user. So yeah, help the world out, help me out, and without really going to much effort. Everyone wins! Once again, that’s Tab For A Cause, and my affiliate link is in the description down below. And as for Gwyneth, I may have given her the benefit of the doubt in my previous Goop article, but I can’t do that here.
She’s not only complicit, she’s front row and centre and actively profiting from this nonsense, and she seems way past caring about the criticism. At the rate things are going, there’ll probably be a Goop movie at some point. Inevitably staring Gwynny herself. And you’d better believe I’ll be right here when that happens. Happy New Year! “Cut!”. In case you guys were wondering: it’s chest hair! It’s not actually pubes! I ain’t about the life anymore. Thanks for watching folks.